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Showing posts from January, 2009

Do not pay more than MRP for packaged goods

The purpose of this post is to make you aware about the law relating to maximum retail price (MRP) on packaged goods.I had put in a RTI (Right to Information ) application to Controller of Legal Metrology,Maharashtra State and requested for the information relating to various laws regarding MRP violation cases we face in day to day’s life. If anyone needs the original application which I made as well as the scanned copy of the reply I have received from Legal Metrology department,please email me on . 1.It has been observed by many of us that many small shops in our locality always charge more money for essential things like milk, mineral water than the printed MRP. If you try to argue with them, then they say that extra one rupee or so is for “cooling charges” for milk or water as the case may be. Friends, this is fraud and a big offence under the weights and measures law. Charging more than MRP on item like packaged drinking water is an offence under rule 23 (2) ...