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Showing posts from 2012

Social Work...Online and Offline ..A case study

Interesting case study based on a real experience while working in social activities.Read only of you want to study human behaviours and also have lot of time to read and understand this : There are 3 organisations..all socially active and worked in past together for betterment of the surrounding community. One of them is online group (Let's call them Group A ) ,one of them is a school alumni association (Let's call them Group B ) and one of them is a registered NGO (Let's call them Group C ) ! Some core members of Group A had an idea for an event and as usual they discussed this with Group B and Group C .Core group members of Group B and Group C agreed to take active part and event planning meeting was done.MOM was agreed and responsibilities shared.One of the action point was on Group C member to create a flyer which also has information on all three groups in 3 paragraphs and contact details so that on the event day,people can read about the nice works these groups d...

Mystery solved :What the law says about Vehicle Papers while Driving in India !
 you are the law abiding citizen who normally drives carefully on road,renew vehicle insurance every year and also keep all the documents related to your vehicle in tact all the time..still on some day., forget to carry the original vehicle papers with you and the same day ..the police on road stop you for checking your vehicle papers !Now you have the papers but they are at policeman would not listen and still demand to see the original papers right then and there or tells you to pay fine or worse ..asks for a bribe to let you go !In some have some documents but police insist on some other paper..and still fine you !What do you do in such case? on....     1.As per the Rules of road regulation 1989 section 32,only following documents normally need to be possessed by a vehicle owner while driving a motor vehicle in India:   Driving License Registration Certi...

Facts about VAT on construction in Maharashtra

For all those who purchased flats between 2006 and 2010 and are still being harassed by builders for paying 5 % VAT.Here are the facts which I could gather after much research on this issue.Please read,understand and share it in your networks so that people are not fooled by builders. 1.VAT dues are only applicable if you bought an under construction property between June 20,2006 and March 31,2010.In other words,when you entered into sales agreement,you need to check whether the building in which you purchased the flat had already being issued a Occupation Certificate (O.C ) by local municipal body like BMC/TMC/VVMC etc.If you purchased the flat post the OC issued,your flat does not attract any VAT.So relax. 2.VAT is only applicable on construction material used and NOT ON LAND COST OR LABOUR COST .So for example,if you paid say Rs 10000/sq feet to the builder then builder should clearly provide calculation about what was land cost and what was material cost and labour cost...