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Showing posts from November, 2012

Mystery solved :What the law says about Vehicle Papers while Driving in India !
 you are the law abiding citizen who normally drives carefully on road,renew vehicle insurance every year and also keep all the documents related to your vehicle in tact all the time..still on some day., forget to carry the original vehicle papers with you and the same day ..the police on road stop you for checking your vehicle papers !Now you have the papers but they are at policeman would not listen and still demand to see the original papers right then and there or tells you to pay fine or worse ..asks for a bribe to let you go !In some have some documents but police insist on some other paper..and still fine you !What do you do in such case? on....     1.As per the Rules of road regulation 1989 section 32,only following documents normally need to be possessed by a vehicle owner while driving a motor vehicle in India:   Driving License Registration Certi...