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Showing posts from November, 2014

The Black Money Myth : Money Can never be black !!!

The Black Money….the most discussed and debated subject in social media today and in is a sincere effort to dispel some myths on black money in the minds of the people and also to prove that real money can never be BLACK !   1.        Traditionally people think that Black Money is the money which is earned through illegal sources and hence hidden.However the colour changes to “BLACK” when even a legal income is hidden from tax authorities .So next time you don’t declare the savings bank interest in your IT return and just furnish Form 16…you WILL BECOME a black money creator .   2.        Black money need not be stored into any secret vault of swiss mountains .Swiss banks don’t give any interest on the money and some banks even charge YOU   to keep your money with them.So instead of wasting the money is such secret bank lockers,this money finds the way to domestic economy through various...