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Showing posts from May, 2011

Getting your Income Tax Refund without paying a bribe

Here is the process and format of filing RTI application if you have not received your income tax refunds from IT department in time. Please use this format and enter your details.Attach the acknowledgement copy of your return submitted with this application and submit it to your IT ward office with a payment of Rs 10 (Cash/DD/Indian Postal Order ): Application for Information under RTI Act 2005". Date of application: To , The Central Public Information Officer, IncomeTax Department, Ward <____> 1. Full name of Applicant: ____________________________ 2. Address: _______________________________________ 3. Particulars of Information required: (i) Subject matter of information: STATUS OF IT REFUND FOR PAN<________> for assessment year (ii) The period to which information relates: ASSESSMENT YEAR <____________> (iii) Description of Information required: I undersigned with PAN Number <____ > submitted my IT return for Assessment Year <_____ > on date <...

Getting your Provident Fund without paying a Bribe... you changed your job recently and want to transfer or withdraw your provident fund?Here is the step by step process: 1.Please complete the respective form for either transfer or withdrawl.The forms are available with your company.In case they do not have the forms,please download from the link : 2.Complete the form and submit it to your last employer who has to certify the form and submit the same to your respective regional provident fund office and get the acknowledgement.Now this acknowledgement is really important.So please follow up with your last employer and get a copy of the same. 3.In case you are transferring your fund to new employer,please complete the respective form for transfer at new employer also on your joining day and get them sent to the provident fund office where your last employer was maintaining your account. (Very important if you change your city or state of employment ). 4.Now,after completing all this,you ...