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No attestation and stamp paper needed for any government service or affidavit respectively in Maharashtra

Central government passed this order  in Sep 2014 and now Maharashtra Government followed...

Maharashtra Government in a GR Dated 09th March 2015 categorically issued orders to all state government authorities and departments that here onwards no office will ask for attestation by SEO/Gazetted officers /school or college principal on any photocopy of any document. A simple self certification from applicant is sufficient .You can sign the photocopy and that's about it

Also no affidavit here onwards will be needed to be done on a stamp paper ( though this order was in place since 2003,it was not practiced and people were still paying for stamp papers )except those cases where a law categorically needs a stamped affidavit .This is very important as many government officers used to insist at their will for an affidavit on stamp paper even if standard operating procedure of the law governing that citizen service didn't specifically mention any need for such affidavit.
You can simply use the suggested format pasted below on a plain paper with your photograph to do a "self declaration "
Here is a full order which can be referred to if any government office insists on attestation or stamped affidavit .


Unknown said…
Appreciate. Thanks, Bharat Thakkar
Unknown said…
I am really thankful to all your squad for sharing specified inspirational substance.
sank8dalvi said…
Thank you for the information.
Unknown said…
Very informative and needed information for all.. thanks
Unknown said…
Self-attested declaration for no family member in Government Job
Ye certificate kaise download hoga
balaji said…
Stamp duty ranges from 3 p.c to ten percent, counting on the block set by the actual state. The encumbrance of paying the stamp tax usually vests on the client of the property. stamp tax is calculated on the upper worth, between the vade mecum rate (circle rate) and therefore the agreement worth of property
Stamp Duty!

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