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Palghar District Notification

Here is another stupid "sarkari" issue which one of the friend faced at Indian Embassy in US when he applied for his passport renewal.His old passport has Vasai address which was in Thane district and since 1st August 2014 ,a new district "Palghar " was carved out from Thane and Vasai was included in this new district.

Now for new passport when he gave the district name as "Palghar",the Embassy rejected his application saying that all his address proofs have district noted as "Thane" .So they can't give passport with "Palghar " as district !

Is it our fault if government creates new district and doesn't notify Ministry Of External Affairs ?So now I emailed him the original Maharashtra State Gazette Notification which created Palghar District.

I am posting images here for everyone's benefit. If anyone is facing similar issue for any government service which needs your address updation with new district name please use attached notification .


chetan said…
Thanks for the insight.
Warren P said…
Hey Chinmay, thanks for the useful information. I have a question. Do we actually need to include district in the address given that Vasai-Virar is a city now?I have been avoiding to add district to my address ever since VVMC came into existence. So City-Vasai State-Maharashtra and district-blank. Haven't faced any issues so far with this in the last 3-4 years or so.
Mrunal Patil said…
Hi Chinmay, thank you for creating this blog post.

I am currently living in USA and i am in the process of renewing my passport. My current passport has Thane as the district. Should i keep the same or should i mention the new Palghar district as I live in boisar and my district is palghar.

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